
2019-11-08 14:41:00
摘要: 成考考试中英语也是非常让考生头疼的一个科目,除了需要记忆单词外,还有更麻烦的就是英语语法的学习。那么,英语中有哪些语法是经常被误用的呢?

      (误)So as to be in time we hurried.
      (正)In order to be in time we hurried.(so as to只可放在句中,in order to可放在句首或句中。)
      (误)It"s very foolish for you to say so.
      (正)It"s very foolish of you to say so.(表示评价的形容词被带逻辑主语的不定式修饰时,介词要用of.)
      (误)Didn"t you ask them to never do that?
      (正)Didn"t you ask them never to do that?(never要放在to之前。)
      (误)Here is a new book for you to read it.
      (正)Here is a new book for you to read.(作形容词用法的带逻辑主语的不定式for you to read的宾语,实际上就是它所修饰的new book,其后不可再加宾语。)
      (误)Here is a so big stone that no one can lift it.
      (正)Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(so是副词,修饰形容词,形式是so+形容词+a+单数可数名词。)
      (误)What beautiful the flower is!
      (正)How beautiful the flower is!(how用来修饰副词或形容词,而what用来修饰名词。)
      (误)This job will be never finished.
      (正)This job will never be finished.(频率副词在第一个助动词后。)
      (误)My brother is very taller than I.
      (正)My brother is much taller than I.(very不能修饰比较级;much可以修饰比较级。)
      (误)I think I"ll meet her at 7:00 at the restaurant.
      (正)I think I"ll meet her at the restaurant at 7:00.(地方副词在时间副词前。)
      (误)This room is enough large for you.
      (正)This room is large enough for you.(enough作副词,在被修饰的形容词后。)
      (误)Have you done homework?
      (正)Have you done your homework?(表示做功课用do one"s homework.)
      (误)Those are some books of our teacher.
      (正)Those are some books of our teacher"s.(应用双重所有格形式。)
      (误)This is my brother John book.
      (正)This is my brother John"s book.(John是brother的同位语,John的书用John"s book.)
      (误)I shouldn"t do that if I was you.
      (正)I shouldn"t do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were.)
      (误)If my father were here now,he will tell me what to do.
      (正)If my father were here now,he would tell me what to do.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的助动词只能用would,might等过去时。)
      (误)If I knew her telephone number,I would have called her.
      (正)If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时。)
      (误)If it had not rained yesterday,he might come.
      (正)If it had not rained yesterday,he might have come.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的动词要用助动词的过去时might,could等+HAVE+过去分词。)
      (误)I don"t think that I shall fail. But if I failed,I would try again.
      (正)I don"t think that I shall fail. But if I should fail,I would try again.(表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词用should加原形动词。)
      (误)Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen Street.
      (正)Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street.(at+门牌号,on+街道名称;两者同时出现以门牌号码为准。)
      (误)He likes to sit under the sun.
      (正)He likes to sit in the sun.(在太阳下用介词in.)
      (误)Bread is made of wheat.
      (正)Bread is made from wheat.(由…制成,of用于成品保持原有性质;from用于成品不再保持原有性质。)
      (误)He is known by everyone.
      (正)He is known to everyone.(be known to是习惯用法,表示为…所熟知。)
      (误)We are with trouble.
      (正)We are in trouble.(有麻烦用in trouble.)
      (误)He will go to America in July 5.
      (正)He will go to America on July 5.(on与某一天连用。)
      (误)He left home in the morning of 11th.
      (正)He left home on the morning of 11th.(morning和某日连用时用on.)
      (误)He had his hair to be cut.
      (正)He had his hair cut.(have,get+宾语+过去分词表示使…被。)
      (误)He likes to drink boiling water.
      (正)He likes to drink boiled water.(现在分词表示主动,boiling water指正在沸腾的水;过去分词表示完成,boiled water指沸腾过的水。)
      (误)He looked tiring with cooking.
      (正)He looked tired with cooking.(tiring表示令人疲倦的,tired表示人被弄疲倦了。)
      (误)I couldn"t make myself understand.
      (正)I couldn"t make myself understood.(过去分词表示被动,make myself understood表示使我被别人明白。)
      (误)I was walking to school yesterday morning,I met a friend of mine.
      (正)Walking to school yesterday morning,I met a friend of mine.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句分词构句表时间。)
